Marie teacher


AyaMama was created by Alida, to provide a range of healing treatments like Biomagnetic Pair Therapy, Family Constellations, Past Life Regression, and Energy Kinesiology. These services are offered in person but also in online sessions.

AyaMama also offers a product line of natural plant remedies that are connected to her plant medicine organization in Peru.

Alida was born into a long familial lineage of herbalists and spiritual healers in Peru.

She is certified in Biomagnetism, Family Constellations, Quantum Healing Technique -Past Life Regression (Level 2) and Touch for Health – Energy KInesiology (Level 3).

Guided by her own intuitions and ancestral traditions, she combines modern knowledge and techniques with ancient wisdom and practices to provide a unique space for discovering the true roots of an affliction and the path forward to the pulling of those roots and the resolution of the afflictions.

Visit her website for more information or to book a session with her.

Instagram and Facebook : Ayamama_alida

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